I secretly wish that they don’t buff Yoru

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 7:14 AM

I am Yoru Main in Immortal with a 65% win rate, and because of my success with him, I secretly don’t want him to be buffed.

It feels like I have a leg up on my opponents, because rarely do you see Yoru’s in games, and there are many gimmicks/tricks that I do that catch my opponents off guard.

With that said I definitely consider Yoru to be the hardest hero to have success with. I just hope that they don’t make Yoru easier to play, because part of what makes him fun is his high skill ceiling/low skill floor. It just feels very rewarding to outplay your opponents with his kit.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/qfoq01/i_secretly_wish_that_they_dont_buff_yoru/
  • https://reddit.com/qfoq01

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