I solo queued from G2 to D2 this act, here is some tips that this sub rarely talks about.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 30, 2020 2:55 PM

WARNING "I just wanna say all these tips doesn't necessary helps you improve at the actual game, but it will make your climbing experience easier"

  1. Dodge games where you are the highest rank in your team Even if you win the game you won't gain much elo due to low average elo lobby, and if you lose you usually get three arrows down, it is just not worth it.
  2. Dodge games where there is chat ban or muted player in your team The chance of them being toxic are too high
  3. Spread positivity, encourage teammate, don't sigh into your damn mic when you die The mental of a team is key to victory
  4. Warm UP Aim lab, kovaaks, death match, or even alt account, warming up is really important. Personally i do death match where i try getting 30 kills with both phantom and vandal, and 10 kills with sheriff and some op kills.
  5. Keep playing when you are wining, and take a break when you are in a lose streak Personally I stop playing after two lose in a row, i'll play some other game or go outside, this way i make sure myself don't lose unnecessary games due to tilt.
  6. Switch up the row you play base on how you feel If i'm feeling crispy on aim i'll play duelist, if i felt slow that day i'll play sentinal.
  7. Understand that you don't have to carry every game to climb This is probably the most important one, a lot of people thinks they have to carry games to climb and when they aren't doing well they get tilted and start making stupid plays. Stop baiting teammates thinking that they are useless, a lot of them are actually decent and maybe even smurfing. Believe in your teammate is the key of winning solo queue!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kmp9j0/i_solo_queued_from_g2_to_d2_this_act_here_is_some/
  • https://reddit.com/kmp9j0

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