I switched my crouch key and I instantly hit more headshots

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 4, 2021 5:33 AM

I think the main reason this happened was because I would have my crosshair at head level, then I would pull down + crouch which brought it down to body level. This obviously wasn't working, so I switched it up a bit. I switched my crouch key to C so that if I needed it for something else it was there but my instant-crouch muscle memory would go away. At first it was really difficult, I kept wanting to keep pulling down until my crosshair was where it used to be, but over time I adjusted. I played 5 deathmatches, and won 2 of them. My aim was easily 3x better than it was before. My deathmatch score reflected that was well. I was able to tap fire confidently, now that it was actually reliable and it would land on their head. I could kill them way faster than before. My movement was better because I could adjust without the crouch speed penalty. All in all, I plan on keeping it like this for a long time to really work it in with how much improvement I've seen. I suggest a lot of you should too.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kpf9ym/i_switched_my_crouch_key_and_i_instantly_hit_more/
  • https://reddit.com/kpf9ym

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