Posted by Steve
Tuesday, December 6, 2022 8:55 PM
I was hardstuck in bronze 2 for the longest and in one act I managed to rank all the way up to gold 1 heres hoe I did it.
Don't tilt queue: if your really frustrated or angry after a game, take a break to calm down before queuing another one, your more likely to be toxic and bring your teams morale down.
Learn to blame yourself: it's not always your teammates fault that you died, maybe you did a bad flash or just whiffed your shots it happens to everyone just accept it was your fault and let it go, don't carry it with you.
Play your role: if your playing a sentinel like Killjoy or Cypher dont be crazy aggressive and go for kills thats not whats gonna win you games play more off your util and your teammates. If your playing a Duelist play to make space for your team with your util, also don't go for the most kills you can take more aggressive fights but don't play to aggressive giving the enemy team free picks to get the number advantage.
You don't need 2 duelists: from what I've experienced my best team comps only have 1 duelist that second duelist role can be filled with a sentinel or an initiator to get that utility advantage on your enemies.
Play warm up games: hop into a few deathmatches or escalations before queuing ranked to make sure you ready to play your best.
Don't dodge because of the map: in my games a lot of people will queue dodge because we got fracture or breeze, they aren't my favorite maps either but just because you don't like the map doesn't mean you are gonna have a bad game, some of my best games are on my least favorite maps don't let the map stop you from winning.
Muting teammates: if your bottom frag 2/27 Reyna insta-lock starts talking shit just mute them, your mental is alot more important than a callout.
Learn from smurfs: I am not condoning smurfing but if they have a diamond smurf sure your gonna lose the game but you can use it as a learing experience, if thats the rank you wanna peak your gonna need to learn to play like them. Watch how they peak/hold angles, watch hie they execute certain plays and try some of the things they do.
Get straight to the point: when you call something in chat dont go "oh how the fuck does he kill me there one ct" instead when you die just say the number of players and where they are ex. "3 halls" thats all you have to say no more no less.
Obviously I'm not the best: I'm only gold and I am always looking for ways to improve if you have any questions or tips to add please ask/tell me i would love to hear them.
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