Posted by Steve
Wednesday, February 17, 2021 6:31 PM
1 Be flexible with your agent pool You should learn 2-3 agents really well and make sure that one of them is a different class. Flexing isn’t something most people want to do so at least make your flex pick an agent you can play. Especially if you are a duelist main. I’m a killjoy main but because of my wife hero pool I can flex to the majority of classes in the game.
2 crosshairs placement.
Learn where the head height in valorant is this will make killing people and hitting shots much easier as if they swing the corner one or two bullets is all you need sometimes if you crosshair is already on their head. Best way to learn is using the bots in training range and then playing deathmatch and playing valorant in general.
3 Game sense
Predicting what your opponent is going to do. How to play a clutch situation, and how to make smart decisions in general comes down to game sense. Best way to improve is to(in my opinion) is watch other higher skilled players play I.e professional tournaments like the VCT or just high ranked twitch gameplay or YouTube. A good YouTuber is a guy called Mviqcs he makes a how a radiant plays with notes that show how he plays and you can use this and apply it in your game.
4 Improving aim When I was in low elo I found an aim trainer really helped me improve and it might not help everyone but it helped me. Other than that play deathmatch it is the best game mode to help you improve and warm up before ranked.
5 Finally be confident. Being confident will make you play better I guarantee it. If you are unsure or not confident in your skill it will show. If your confident you will play better. So be confident don’t put yourself down about not playing well or by dragging high every game. Everyone has off games
Have fun it’s a game after all. I hoped these tips help somebody
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