Posted by Steve
Saturday, December 31, 2022 2:12 AM
Now before anyone says "you shouldn't be trying to win DM". I know, and I never worry about the fact that I don't. I do like to at least come middle of the board, but I treat it as a learning experience. BUT it felt so good to actually win, I had to post :)
So I've been playing for about 15 months, I originally placed Bronze1 back in episode 3 act 3. Then after the rank reset and some horror placement games I placed iron1. Climbed back up to Iron 3, only to rank all the way back down to iron1 again (whilst playing against mostly bronze and occaisionally silver).
I decided to take a break from ranked this act, and had been playing mostly DM, and some unrated, recently swiftplay. I was doing OK in DM, but almost always had some plats or diamonds in my lobbies with the occaisional ascendent or immortal. So I figured (with my last rank iron1) I was never going to win a DM. But tonight, it happened, and it wasn't even an iron lobby. A lot of unranked players, but of the ranked players, there were two silver 2's a silver one a bronze2 and a gold 2 so I'm pretty pleased with my result.
Oh and I was guardian only as well for the icing on the cake!
Ironically, I decided to play unrated straight after this, and we lost 0 - 13 :D in our defence we were only four players for all rounds but the first.
edit: title is inaccurate, it was 30 seconds, just switched to 6 second countdown after the last kill which I didn't realize ;)
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