I wonder how long it's gonna take this subreddit to realize reyna change is a pretty decent buff and get upset

Posted by Steve

Friday, February 26, 2021 5:48 AM

When you're ulted you heal off assists, it's wild.(actually not even assists, you just need to hit them with one bullet)

Really the only time you would ever feel it's a nerf is rounds where you get more then 2 kills, you are already doing really good that round, it's not such a big deal. Also it's only a downside at all when your ult is not up. I'm pretty sure the upsides outway the downsides fairly heavily and give room for nice teamwork(reyna just trying to tag someone though wall/spray for an assist).

I feel like it makes her a much more consistent character when working with teamates(which you know.... should be always) since you no longer have to worry about teammate getting the kill and not being able to eat orb.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lrzoc9/i_wonder_how_long_its_gonna_take_this_subreddit/
  • https://reddit.com/lrzoc9

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