Ice Agent Concept: YMIR

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, September 6, 2022 6:45 AM

Ice Agent Concept: YMIR


Norwegian agent Ymir sculpts the arena to his team’s favor with his ice-cold abilities. By blocking entrances with glaciers and freezing enemies to their feet, he offers a breeze in the heat of battle.

Basic Abilities:


EQUIP a cryoprism. FIRE to deploy a destroyable crystal that gradually slows down and freezes enemies in its radius.


EQUIP a snowball. FIRE to throw a snowball that sticks to the ground, exploding and leaving a slippery ice patch that sends players to the direction they entered it. Agents who are already on the spot will slowly glide to the direction they are facing.

Signature Ability:


EQUIP a frost bolt. FIRE to shoot out a bolt that drops after a set amount of time, creating a crystal where it lands. RE-USE the ability to erect glaciers in the crystal’s place.

Ultimate Ability:


EQUIP concentrated cold. FIRE to unleash the cold to Ymir's surroundings, creating tall, durable glaciers in a semicircle in front of him.



Ymir was designed with the intent to create a sentinel that can be a duelist in nature. Two of his abilities can be used to give him an edge in fights by offering him off-angles or an opportunity to wide peek while also being capable of usual sentinel stuff: securing a site and checking for flanks.

C - The cryoprism was designed to be slightly similar to Chamber's trap however instead of only bursting once and applying a slow field, the prism IS the slow field. It is an anti-flank trap that doesn't give as much info as Chamber's, Cypher's, and Killjoy's. An enemy can either push through the slow or destroy it however shattering it will alert Ymir and his allies. The cryoprism only slows and freezes enemies in its LOS.

Q - Snowball can make for interesting plays for it can either be used to delay enemy pushes or enable Ymir or his allies to peek widely by sliding into a gunfight. It can also be used as a functional molly because of its ability to push enemies out of tight spaces. Enemies are given a decision to face away so as to avoid sliding and not give away their position while risking the chance to shoot back should an ally peek them, or use the slippery patch to their advantage.

E - Glacier was designed to be an offshoot of the Sage wall. It is as wide as two Sage barrier pillars but are joined into one so there are no multiple walls to be shot. It is slightly weaker than a Sage wall given that it only has 600 health in contrast to Sage's 800, however it fortifies instantly as opposed to Sage's wall having to take some seconds before fortification. Another deviation from Sage's barrier is it breaks faster, only having 35s, 5 seconds shorter than Sage's. The glaciers can also be placed in further places, a quirk Sage's walls do not share. The glacier can potentially serve as a get-out-of-jail free card by being placed before taking a gun fight, getting a pick from the enemies, then activating the wall to avoid getting traded. The glacier can be used for anti-flank, site security, post-plant scenarios, or off-angles. Mostly thrilled to see what Grim can do with these glaciers

X - I have to admit, Permafrost is probably the least creative ability I designed for Ymir. It is just his Glacier but Bigger. The thought process behind this is that it is a combination of Astra's ult and Sage's barrier only significantly smaller in range. The permafrost has 1500 health which can easily be spammed through but not without consequence to the enemies of course. It also lasts infinitely unless Ymir is out of range (the permafrost is out of his sound circle), or Ymir dies, which will then cause it to "melt" (similar to Viper's ult once she's out). There is a lot of potential for this ult, from dividing site, to completely blocking off huge entrances, to being used for defusing.


I put a lot of thought into this agent however a concept is not without its faults. I am open to criticisms and suggestions regarding anything which I will kindly ask you to drop in the replies. If you think something is OP or should be buffed, please do let me know so I can virtually perfect Ymir. Also feel free to ask me anything regarding him! I'd love to hear your questions. Here is a docs file formatted similar to the Valorant fandom page that includes his abilities' specifications, along with a little bit of lore!



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