Icebox Shouldn't Have Been Released to Competitive Yet

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 16, 2020 3:09 AM

This map is actually god awful to play on. I seriously wonder if a 2nd grader designed it because this map doesn't feel designed for 5 players to play attack or defense on. Way too many angles to check, too many "levels" especially on A site. Usually high ground is taken by Jett, Omen, or Raze on other maps but on Icebox you never know where someone is going to be. Don't really understand B site. The only safe spot to hide is behind that huge crate after you plant the bomb.

My point is that Icebox should've stayed in unrated until the devs had a really good sense on what they need to remove/add to the map. Rushing it into competitive was a huge mistake and forces people to dodge games and get cooldowns cause no ones wants to play that shit.

This map is NOT ready for First Strike and I am sure pros do not want to play this until it's been remade.



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