Idea to combat leavers

Posted by Steve

Sunday, November 1, 2020 3:52 PM

I got the idea of seriously deterring leavers by requiring leavers to finish a full unrated match before being able to queue up into another competitive game.

If they leave an unrated game, same rule applies. If they get disconnected from a game, its best that they're able to finish a full game before they hop into another comp game.

It may cause a big spike in leavers in unrated, but my solution would be the queue timer ban, except that the timer only starts ticking down after they relog and start the timer, that was people will really reconsider leaving the game. And if they're trolls, they would have to relog into the game to start the timer, then wait; its a small extra step but I feel will be effective.

Let me know if you see any clear issues with this that I've overlooked... just an idea to separate the good community and the negative players.



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