Posted by Steve
Monday, August 23, 2021 7:00 PM
Hey Everyone! I’m a Valorant player who has been loving this game since beta. For a while, upon the games release, I maned cypher, and have racked up 120 hours on him! (25% of my entire Valorant experience) I think that now, in the current meta, he pales in comparison to other agents, so I thought I’d suggest a few key buffs that would make cypher find his way back into the meta.
His traps I think that the problem with his traps is that they are too predictable. I reckon that the range of the wires should be increased, so you can add more variety to your setups.
His smokes I believe that his smokes should have an effect in which upon entering them, enemy agents should be revealed, similar to a Sova dart or drone. This could make his smokes way more powerful than they already are, as indeed right now they make noise when an enemy enters them, it’s hard to hear and hard to determine where the enemy is within the smoke. This change could help fix that, considering the fact that he has to throw them. This does make them seem overpowered, as the enemy has no way around them, but I have a solution- note then when you deploy a smoke, cypher throws a disk which then projects a hologram, which is the smoke. Maybe the enemy agents could destroy the disk holding up the smoke to dissipate it?
I love the idea of Cypher’s kit, and he is one of the most fun agents to play by far, but at this day and age, playing him is almost a throw due to Sova and Kay-O’s superiority. These changes don’t seem overpowered to me, they honestly seem quite balanced. I’d love to see some opinions on this.
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