Idea: Sage should be able to cancel out mollies

Posted by Steve

Friday, October 16, 2020 3:44 AM

I feel like Sage at the moment is definitely weaker than the other agents. She's not being played as much anymore up near Immortal-Radiant. Something in her kit should definitely be buffed, and my idea is that her slow-orbs could be both a slow and a cancel effect to mollies (Brimstone, Phoenix, Viper, maybe Killyjoy?). This idea can provide more counter-play, creativity, and could potentially push her into meta again. What are your guys' thoughts on this? Pros/Cons? Rank is Radiant.

Edit: Slow orb on top of a molly would negate each other, making the ground neutral. Not slowed.

Tldr: fire on top of ice tilts me



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