If we can ride Sova’s arrow, let us tightrope across cypher tripwires!

Posted by Steve

Sunday, July 11, 2021 2:41 AM

As maney of you know, the charcter: Sava got a buff where your alowed to ride his arows. This is cool becuse in my opinon, his arow is his worst abilitey becuse whenever you shoot someone with the arow it doesnt do any damage , except for the lightning arow.

Even thogh this buff is cool, I still think the charcter: cifar needs a BUFF.

Here is my buff idea: Let us use his trap wires as a tightrope and your alowed to walk across it if you got good balence. If your a charcter like brimstone who weighs too much then the trip wire snaps in half and you gota pay cifar back for property damage.

Here is what tight rope on cifer trip wire would look like in game:

Overall, this would be a good buff for cifer since alot of people dont play him. The only bad thing about this buff is that to many people will wana play cifar to practise there balence abiliteys so maybe riot should let 3-4 people on the team play cifer instead of only 1 at a time


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ogwqbb/if_we_can_ride_sovas_arrow_let_us_tightrope/
  • https://reddit.com/ogwqbb

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