If you can't queue with a rank, they shouldn't be put in your games.

Posted by Steve

Friday, March 12, 2021 4:50 AM

I'm plat 2 rn, played 3 games today. First had a decent mix of plat 2-g3. Ok.

Second game I top frag with Sage, ace, then get a 3v1 clutch and lose. Check the scoreboard, oh wonderful a silver 3 bottom frag Reyna.

I can't even queue up with this guy, why is he in my games? I understand his "true MMR" may be around plat but jesus christ how broken is the system that this big of a disparity is ending up in games?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m2enj7/if_you_cant_queue_with_a_rank_they_shouldnt_be/
  • https://reddit.com/m2enj7

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