IF EG beats LEV, Sentinels and 100T wont make playoffs

Posted by Steve

Monday, May 1, 2023 12:02 PM

EG Will probably take this series, surprisingly. But them beating Leviatan will put them just under Sentinels, and means they'll likely beat sentinels, obviously putting sen significantly below them, leaving sentinels in 8th. This is because they have NRG and MIBR, which means EG has an easy 2 maps, with the chance at 1, maybe 2 more maps, and them beating NRG isn't too farfetched. If 100T gets two 1-2 losses from LOUD and FURIA, they might make playoffs, but I def see EG taking last from both.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/1347i9p/if_eg_beats_lev_sentinels_and_100t_wont_make/
  • https://reddit.com/1347i9p

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