If you are going to play a duelist, for the love of god, MAKE SPACE.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, May 12, 2021 5:48 PM

Basically title. I have seen a few duelists recently around gold who will do "okay" in the kills department, but they make zero space for the rest of the team. I don't care if you are 0/20, as long as you make an opening for the team to engage, you are doing your job.

I played a game on ascent yesterday with a jett and Reyna who just refused to go in, ever. They were just about always the last alive and would still have a lot of util left. If you wanna chill back and look for picks, play something else.

On a similar note, please comm in your ranked games. That same Reyna from ascent also didn't use a mic, and whenever she died somewhere, id be asking "where from?" And be met with silence. I'm fine with losing, it's normal, but I don't like losing because we have no mic, backline duelists.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/na10wx/if_you_are_going_to_play_a_duelist_for_the_love/
  • https://reddit.com/na10wx

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