Posted by Steve
Friday, September 23, 2022 9:53 AM
More Like This
How 2 skye 101
1. throw your bird and make it explode to blind the enemy but do not flash your teammate
2. send your dog and jellyfish/cabbage to a suicide mission to gain info
3. heal your teammate with some flower
Note from u/bushi69: do not forget...
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, November 23, 2021 3:24 PM
14 Lose streak (in 4 days)
Posted by Otto
Wednesday, June 30, 2021 11:19 PM
No game can make me as angry as this game
Because how can I stand still have my cross hair on their head and still miss? We both stand still it basically curves around their head and misses. But sometimes I can not even look at them and make a random shot that’s basically impossibl...
Posted by Otto
Thursday, September 29, 2022 1:28 AM