If a random on your team is really kind, you should let them know!

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 12:31 PM

I play on a pretty shitty laptop. That plus my pretty awful aim cause me to do pretty poorly in comp sometimes. Today I played a comp queued up with my sister (around silver elo) and we got a g1 Reyna, a s3 Raze, and a s1 Killjoy. Me, my sister, and the killjoy all played pretty badly - we all had under a double digit number of kills. Our Raze and our Reyna, however, were already in high teens and by the end of the game, the Reyna had 40 fragged. The opposite team's Phoenix kept on acing us and sometimes we had bad rounds. But not once did the Reyna OR the Raze get toxic. They gave us pointers and told us when we were doing well, and even though we lost 14-12, it was still a really fun game. By the end of the game, I hadn't even done that badly - something I'm sure would have happened had I been with toxic teammates.

At the end of the game, I wrote a small note to the Raze and the Reyna just explaining how nice they were to play with and in the end, we friended each other and I plan on queuing with them again :).

Basically, if you have a teammate who is really kind and positive during your game, you should tell them so! It's good to spread positivity :)


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/l5737e/if_a_random_on_your_team_is_really_kind_you/
  • https://reddit.com/l5737e

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