Posted by Steve
Sunday, August 8, 2021 12:02 AM
Hey bois, If you are a person who watches Proguides or skillcapped or any other youtube channel for Strategies, tips, etc, after having a couple bad games hoping it would improve your game, don't do that.
If you can watch closely, their tips and strats for attack, defense, agents, etc all depends on your ability to win those duels. For example you are watching a video on Defending a site with cypher or kj, they might tell you some spots to place traps, peek from, etc. But at the end if the attackers are pushing, you should win the duel, reposition, win another duel or just not die until your team rotates.
Instead of that, do Aim practice. In this game, if you master aim at earlier levels, then the game is going to be fun and easy for you. I am doing this for the past couple weeks and it's bearing fruits. (am doing aimlabs to gain accuracy and deathmatches to implement it and practice crosshair placement)
Those videos are nice and you can get off with those tips and tricks if you got good teammates. But you should improve personally in the game and the only way to do that is if you can confidently say that your gunplay is good.
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