I'm new to shooters, is anyone else just miles better with a pistol than any other gun?

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 21, 2022 8:41 PM

I suck at most fps games. Even in this game I think I'm average for my level at best.

But god damn. Pistol rounds, I fuck shit up. You give me a ghost, or even just the default pistol in round one, I will kill 3 enemies solo and be 3 tapping people a good distance away with a ghost in round 2 as well. But after that passes, I'm fucking ASS at the game. In a standard unrated I'll maybe get another 6 or 7 kills in the half after the first 2 rounds.

Anyone else better with a pistol than anything else?

Game is fun as fuck btw. My friend put me onto it. Loving kay/o to death.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/s8yvd5/im_new_to_shooters_is_anyone_else_just_miles/
  • https://reddit.com/s8yvd5

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