Posted by Steve
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 11:48 AM
Look I'm originally a CS player who plays good and tried valorant As Im a noob to the abilities and new to the weapon recoil . I play unrated then things gets messy
Teams starts to blame for the loss even though I'm in 3rd on board . They insult me , they say to uninstall as I just started .
Bruhhhh In cs , there is toxic players but man they always accept new noob or new players . I felt violated and felt worse every match I tried .
Out of the 5 matches I played 4 of the matches were toxic players . Aaaah Any opinion ?
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Posted by Otto
Thursday, January 14, 2021 1:43 AM
What i have to do
One of my friend (non close friend)started use wall hack and i accidentally found
I don't want to report cuz i know ...get banned
There is many dimension of reason , ....has many problems irl and always bottom frag
What should i do w...
Posted by Otto
Monday, April 12, 2021 7:00 PM