I'm relatively new to this game, and Night Market is already out! What do you think of these choices?

Posted by Steve

Friday, April 8, 2022 10:07 PM

As the title suggests, I am somewhat new to this game and not familiar with the skin effects or their values. I'm confused. Any recommendation from you veterans and skin-mongers? I consider the skins to be really expensive so I want to make an informed decision from this lot.Here's the skin:

My April Night Market Drop

UPDATE: Whoa, I didn't expect these many likes! Thanks for the inputs! Btw for now I already purchased both the Ghost and the Phantom. Phew, really worth it... it almost feels like I'm aiming better... Is it all placebo?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ty83a9/im_relatively_new_to_this_game_and_night_market/
  • https://reddit.com/ty83a9

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