"I'm stuck in iron/bronze/silver and I'm mvp in every single game" well don't pick duelists then

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 3:38 PM

There are many posts everywhere with a print of the person getting mvp in the last 15 games with over 30 kills in each of them using Jett Raze or Reyna, complaining that they can't win any games because of their teammates.

And I know there are many YT videos saying you should pick a duelist to climb because duelist get more points.

But if you're the only one in your team who's being able to kill, and you die because your iron Omen didn't smoke heaven or your bronze Viper only uses their wall to block their teammates vision, then you lost the round and you lost the game.

The duelist in the other team is also low elo. You don't have to have a grenade to kill them. Pick the character that requires game sense and map control if you think you're better than your teammates. Pick the character that is gonna ensure you'll win the round and let your iron duelist fight the iron duelist in the other team. Be the last one alive. Win the round.

Everyone can shoot but not everyone can do a decent post-plant. Everyone can buy a vandall but not everyone can gather information.

I had to see my stats and my winrate with raze and killjoy to understand that an ADR of 178 with Raze was lame compared to 158 with Killjoy when my Raze has 43% of win rate and my Killjoy has 60%.

Get out of elo hell before you follow the "pick duelist to climb" idea.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/nuc0xy/im_stuck_in_ironbronzesilver_and_im_mvp_in_every/
  • https://reddit.com/nuc0xy

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