Posted by Steve
Wednesday, December 2, 2020 6:45 PM
I finally did my placements today after not having played since Act 1 and got placed into Platinum 3.
After that i played 2 more games and now i'm Diamond 1.
During these 5 games i've had 4 of which were filled with toxic players whether it's in my team or the enemy team.
It's actually insane to me how unreasonably toxic and childish some of them can be.
Judging the ones i met by their voices they seemed to be around 20 years old so they're not young kids anymore.
It was actually so tiring to play with them and having to play peacemaker.
I don't really understand why but it seems to always be a Reyna, Raze or Sage that are arguing over some small mistakes.
Worst of all is we had a game where we were winning 10-2 after an 8-round win streak and when we lost the pistol round, our Reyna and Raze started going at each other over some stupid mistake that happened in the pistol round.
Even worse is that they were arguing mid-game while the round already started, like the enemy players are pushing into a site and they're still arguing over what happened previous round.
Had a Sage who would take any opportunity to have an argument with someone in the team. The slightest mistake and he would call you out for it even if the round is still on-going.
Had a Reyna who was crying since round 4 because Raze took the operator by accident, not knowing Reyna wanted it because he was voice banned. This ended up in the Reyna game throwing in the latter half of the game and having 3 people muting the entire team even though we all had mics.
I've had 2 players that sounded like they were on the border of going mentally insane over the thought of losing 1 game like holy shit dude it's not the end of the world.
Met an enemy Jett that started game throwing since round 3 because they lost 3 rounds in a row as Attackers on Split.
If these players were just getting frustrated because we were losing some rounds then i could understand but some of them seem to be there to try to prove some point nobody cares about.
You'd think people with over-inflated egos only exist in some comedy movies but they're actually real.
Hearing things like ''fucking diamond players'', ''this is not my main account'', ''ok i game throw now'' isn't gonna impress anyone and it's only gonna make your team think that you're an immature child.
I keep hearing players say that the higher rank you reach the less toxicity you see but isn't diamond considered pretty high rank as well?
Now obviously i didn't get toxic players every game but it's still common enough to be annoying.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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