Immo player looking to do free coaching

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 5, 2022 12:02 PM

Hey guys, I am a current Immo player who plays on a varsity colligate team along with coaching for another JV team. I have about 3k hours in CS and 500 playing comp in val. Currently my team is ranked No.1 in the state The semester is ending soon and I figured I would see if anyone wanted coaching. I generally have a good head for the game and can probably help people all the way up until ascendant 3ish. Depending on schedules I can do live sessions or vod reviews and give notes on plays and things to do to improve. My tracker is linked below along with the link to a discord I quickly set up so people can get in touch with me via disc. Just hop in the server and send me a message. The 8th of this month is the first day I will be available.

Val tracker




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