Immortal/Radiant smurf problem

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 20, 2021 6:16 PM

To those who are in this bracket, how do you feel about pros/players alike having 2-3 Smurfs in this elo and taking the limited spots in these ranks?

We all know pros often have 1-3 radiant accounts, when you consider there is only 500 radiants per region..there will probably be only like 350-450 actual people. I’ve been hovering 200rr in immortal, I don’t necessarily think I deserve to be higher, but I feel as there are many “duplicate” accounts owned by the same people at what should be limited spots at the leaderboard(per person).

I can’t really figure out a solution other than identity check like phone verification- which I believe won’t happen. But I feel as it’s still a problem?



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