Immortal seeking radiant advise

Posted by Steve

Monday, May 23, 2022 1:14 AM

Hey guys,

I got to Immortal 2 this act (previously Diamond 3) I felt like it was my goal but now I feel like the grind is never ending, but I came to a stop in my progress. Seemingly I can't get out of 50 to 120 RR range, I'm mostly mid table in my games and I can't hard carry as much as I could in Diamond... My aim feels like shit sometimes, and it almost feels like I am uncomfortable (my aim feels so much faster and snappier with higher sens but I am afraid I loose all my muscle memory built in those past months - playing 289edpi rn) I have a palm grip and I have no idea if I mostly do arm aiming or wrist aiming and I saw a radiant youtuber (Charla7an) saying that my style of grip should have more than 300 edpi...

TLDR: my aim feels shit in this rank, idk if I should change my sens, and if I do, how could I find the perfect one. Also I'm looking for tips from radiant players to keep up the grind.



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