Immortal Streamers Intentionally Throwing

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, January 19, 2022 12:31 AM

Immortal Streamers Intentionally Throwing

I was playing Valorant with a couple of buds and we are all silver elo. We ran into two Streamers who were intentionally throwing. The Sova and Jett said they were throwing and helped the enemy team, by throwing the spike at enemy spawn, not defusing bombs, hiding with the enemies, giving up where we are, etc... (Proof )

After the game ended, I decided to look at the name of Sova & Jett and it turns out they were immortal streamers.

There needs to be something done about this as these two guys are ruining lower elo, all just because they are high elo & don't care about the integrity of the game.

Sad thing is one of them has a fairly large following on tiktok as well.

Thanks to crustytoejam for the sources

update 1: (match history)

update 2: (ejscouter admits to deranking)

update 2.5: (ejscouter claims he demoted 1 game)

update 3: (ejscouter admits not caring about deranking)

update 4: (ejscouter apologizes)

edit: Thank you to everyone who supported this thread, I've already sent a support ticket to RIOT showcasing proof and attaching this thread. I will keep everyone updated once I receive a reply (that is not a bot).

edit 2: clips were removed, will find a way to get it back

edit 3: got clips back up. replaced twitch clips with youtube videos (if it is okay)

update 5: Riot is currently investigating the situation



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