Posted by Steve
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 10:07 AM
This post is completely for discussion and opinions and I would love to hear everyone's opinions about this.
I avoid deathmatch at all costs to warmup/practice aim because I feel as if its counter intuitive, one better than average player can get the maximum amount, 40 kills ,in around 4-6 minutes which is a horrible kpm for practicing/warm up and especially players who are low skilled, they get an average of 25 kills in 6 minutes!
Adding to that, Riot has somehow taken a fast paced gamemode and made it slower by adding the 3 second cool down after death, which also encourages camping because some players may feel punished for dying in a deathmatch, players start to play slow/camp when they're low because they want to get hp drops. The 3 second respawn timer adds no value because the view is locked onto players dead body, this means dying to someone camping is more frustrating as most players play deathmatch without sound and the location of the camper remains unknown. (will talk about minimap position reveal later)
From my experience playing DM, out of the average 6 minutes it takes to get to 40 kills, I spend at least a total of 2 minutes of that running around trying to find players, adding to this the respawn points put in dead zones (like CT/T Spawn, areas that add no value to the map gameplay) just results in more running around.
The minimap position reveal at respawn is a good addition to counter this but because of the way the map design is, it is not as effective except for on breeze, but then again breeze is such a massive map that my breeze DMs usually last up to 8 minutes!
There are a few more minor things that make me wish riot made some changes to deathmatch, but I can't recall them as of now.
Changes that may be better:
No kill limit, add time limit instead and game ends after timer reaches 00:00
Respawn similar to that of 'warmup'; instant respawn
Remove or reduce chances of spawning in dead zones (like team spawns).
Increase max player count on breeze? (though this will murder the already murdered fps since patch 2.05)
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