Implementing Timeouts into Comp: no risk, low effort, high reward.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 13, 2021 10:50 AM

Title. Adding the ability to call a time out (see CSGO) is a simple, unobtrusive, low lift UX enhancement that could minimize (not eliminate) other nuisances that result in negative game experiences. A single 90 second AFK in a pivotal round can swing the outcome of a 40 minute game.

Aside from RITO being a small indie company, why has a simple, no downside QOL change like this not been prioritized yet?

EDIT: Implied with the CSGO reference above was that there would be a limit (1 per team per game or 1 per team per half) and a majority team vote required to call the timeout. This effectively curbs trolling and would result in a maximum of 3-6 minute game time increase if all timeouts were used.



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