Posted by Steve
Tuesday, January 25, 2022 8:26 PM
Just encountered this wall on Haven and just can't understand how it is possible to get so high up as a Sage.
The enemy team was Sage, Viper, Cypher, Yoru and Phoenix, so no possibility for Raze's satchels.

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Prime Vandal in Minecraft
I did what I could with the blocks that Minecraft has. I use a already done draw created by NestiZ\_YT.
Posted by Otto
Sunday, January 3, 2021 1:29 PM
Does anyone know what the name of the arabic song that myth plays when subroza gets a kill with his ult
Does anyone know what the name of the arabic song that myth plays when subroza gets a kill with his ult or pops off in a tournament
Posted by Otto
Friday, January 1, 2021 6:31 PM
Idk if this has been discovered before, but the lighting on Yoru's tp gets really weird when placed on top of this box.

Posted by Otto
Wednesday, April 5, 2023 1:57 PM