Improve Confidence

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 21, 2022 9:38 PM

Hello everyone!

I play Valorant for many months now and I would say I am a decent player. Now I noticed that i have almost no confidence when it comes to scrims with my team(sometimes also ranked but almost never). Yesterday once again we scrimmed against a team on the same level (around Immo 1) as we were but i just became very nervous as always in scrims and I started to feel very stiff so my aim became worse also my decions were very slow and often bad and i just played very slow and reserved and didnt believe in the success of any peek i wanted to take with the operator for exemple… This happens very often to me and I believe its just that i have very low self confidence when competing against other players on my level or slightly above which I know take the match very serious as well.

Does anyone have a tipp on how to be more confident and trust in my personal skill level especially when competing in a competitive environment where the mindset is to win something or where you have to win the game to achieve something important? I think this is holding me back from performing much much better in scrims (Im not performing bad but often i just have this problem i described above and then I am just stuck in this for the rest of the match). Maybe some of you were able to overcome something similar and have some advice…

Thanks in advance :D



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