In the current state of competitive act rank badge should be hidden.

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 25, 2021 10:50 AM

Hello! I think we can all agree that after the ranked changes, we have been playing against people with much higher act rank badges. I am currently in plat 2 and so far there has been one or more immortal act rank players on either my team or the enemy team. With this, it’s quite easy for many players to give up off the loading screen. This happens especially when my team sees an immortal 3 or 4 immortals. Not only are teams not playing as best they can but are demotivated to play and have low comms. But in reality these higher act rank players are very beatable and personally I think riot has done a good job with finding the true rank of some of them. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks for reading.



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thank you babybay


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