Posted by Steve
Monday, November 23, 2020 11:33 PM
I know the high rankeds of the community will say the smurfing problem isn't that big of a deal and us low ranks blame every single 20+ kill on smurfing, which absolutely isn't true but it's beside the point.
If I encounter a smurf, a csgo refugee, someone who is just ON FIRE THAT DAY, whatever it may be and my team gets absolutely obliterated, why is it okay for days on days of 60-70% winrate close fought games to be erased in a matter of 1-2 games?
If I'm playing League of Legends and my team gets annihilated 0-35 scoreboard and we forfeit as soon as we can at 15 minutes, I don't lose 170 LP after the game. I lose the same amount as any other loss.
It feels terrible to spend days literally days grinding 1 or 2 arrows at a time to finally rank up and have two games knock me down two ranks because there was a Reyna w keying and one tapping everyone both games. It's entirely out my control and feels like I have to spend another week just to have it happen again. I'm trying to improve, trying to learn, and this is really demoralizing.
inb4 "just be better than the diamond smurfs to earn silver 1"
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