In "Settings > Controls > Interface" there is a key bind called "Show Teammate Loadouts". This setting show your teammate's abilities when you hold that key, so you don't need to make Sage and Skye lose concentration when you desperately ask them if they have heal

Posted by Steve

Friday, June 4, 2021 1:00 PM

You can find the key bind in:

Settings > Controls > Interface > under "GENERAL" section.

It's named "Show Teammate Loadouts". The default key is "Left Alt" and it shows your teammates loadout (abilities, gun, and the things shown during "Buy phase") when you hold that key.

This is extremely helpful, since you don't need to desperately ask Sage or Skye if they have heal and make them lose concentration during a game.

Edit: I forgot to mention, there is a setting in GENERAL under OTHER called "Player Loadout Always Visible" which you can set to "yes" and it will always show the Loadout during the game, whoever once i missed a kill because the Loadout was shown over the enemy model.

And some of you didn't understood but this post was meant for people who AREN'T playing with Sage and Skye in a match, since the loadout doesn't show over your own head.



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