In a slump

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 28, 2023 11:05 AM

This week it seems I've hit a wall. I've been playing for about 3 weeks, I play about 4 hours a day and usually stream it. Everything goes well, I had been doing decent in unrated so decided to try ranked, went 4/14 (lost) my first game and 8/8 the next (win) but every game after that has been negative k/d and I'm just getting WASHED. I haven't returned to unrated after those 2 matches because it says the skill disparity between me and my friends are too high now and I can't even place with them. I'm just feeling down and in a slump. Should I take a break, is this just a valorant thing I'll break through or am I just bad and need to get gud?



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