Posted by Steve
Tuesday, October 4, 2022 12:02 PM
I feel like lately my skill is so inconsistent, idk if it’s mental or what but normally i aim pretty well and my game sense is improving but then the next game I can barely hit headshots I lose every 1v1 and I’m constantly getting outplayed, idk if it’s smurfs or I’m just not as good as I think I am. For example, if I’m playing in a mostly plat lobby the enemy teams Gold 2 will be top frag while me a Gold 1 player stuck at the bottom sometimes I’m the one at the top but when I get in my own elo “all golds” I suffer. Does anyone else have this inconsistency issue? if you look at my tracker it’ll make a lot more sense what I mean, all advice welcome on how to improve this. S0ngbirddd#TTV is my tracker username if the link doesn’t work. I am really having a hard time figuring out if my inconsistency is because of the balancing system or if it’s just me not pulling my own weight.
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