(inspired by the joke agent) the MEGA DOUBLE UPDATE

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, May 24, 2022 5:33 AM

In this update, every agent gets buffs. Every. single. one.

Jett now has 10 knifes, Astra has 2 charges of ability, kayo has to be killed twice , sova has 6 ult charges, phoenix can now run twice the length, yoru's ult lasts twice as long, raze has two charges , chamber has 10 bullets , fade's area is taken and doubled then square rooted to form a perfect square which is what is now affected, Sage can revive twice as fast, brim has double the radius, viper , neon , and skye now have 200 (energy bar or whatever it is idk) .... Anyways i think u get the picture im 100% sure that a) this is not gonna happen and b) i missed a lot of agents but i hope you like it have a good day aight?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/uw4q73/inspired_by_the_joke_agent_the_mega_double_update/
  • https://reddit.com/uw4q73

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