Posted by Steve
Saturday, May 20, 2023 4:21 PM
Hey, just had a discussion with a mate and wanted to open that topic again (even tough people talked about it before, but thats kinda of a ongoing thing I guess).
As far as I heard it from coaches, and also in my personal opinion, if you want to really get better you pick one role and even better: 1 agent and focus on it. Meaning you kinda have to instalock every round to make sure you can play the one role and agent you are trying to cultivate.
The argument that it fucks up the team comp sounds kinda valid, but to be honest: Teamcomp doesnt matter as much as most people think it does. I rather miss out on a flash than have someone flash that is not good at it. Everyone playing agents that they are very good at is better than having people filling roles imo.
The only exception might be controller, but I dont have a lot of data on it since I instalock it every game. I have lost against teams without a smoke a few times though, and maybe better duelists and good flashes can compensate a missing controller enough.
There is also that argument about team vibes, but to be honest that shouldnt even exist. If someone is just faster than you then he won it fair, and its okay. Also the misconception that teamcomp is so important might play into the frustration.
What do you guys think?
Edit: to summarize a bit for now: A lot of people think its not bad to instalock, just when they instalock and explicitly tell others what to play, and I agree with that, if you instalock you lost your righ to speak about team comp in that game.
Some people consider it toxic to instapick, you guys are kinda just wrong imo. Maybe its not the most feel good vibey thing, but its a understandable pragmatic approach in soloq.
Other than that some people just seem to value teamcomps very high, I guess that can never be settled because of lacking measurement. Id argue that especially in higher elo the impact of how well you play your agent really starts to matter, and people underestimate what it means to master an agent. Also some brought up the ability of most agents to be flexible in their role, like skye/breach/kayo being able to play as a duelist, or duelists being able to flash support.
Some also question the use of focusing on one role or agent at all, here I can only repeat what coaches say and what I have learned from experience by getting better in other games: At some point, after learning basics, you have to focus on one aspect to get better, because your time is a limited ressource. You are either bad with your second role or you spent so much time getting good at it that you would have been better of as a whole if you would have spent that time on getting better with your main.
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