Interesting find on competitive: You don't gain ANY MMR if you win a potential deranking game.

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 1, 2021 11:19 PM

Interesting find on competitive: You don't gain ANY MMR if you win a potential deranking game.

I've been using u/Rumblemike's Valorant Ranked points checker to see how many points I gain each match, and I think I came across something problematic with Riots current ranked system.

If your points go down to 0, your game is essentially dubbed a 'derank game', meaning if you lose again, the game sends you down a rank. The issue is, you need to win two games to escape the derank.

even if you won a 13-5 match at 0 RP (seen above) which gave three up arrows, your RP from that match are nulled, and you have to go again, only the second game actually giving points...

I have no idea why riot chose to add this, and what's more the visual side of the game shows you gaining points when your rating didn't change.hopefully the promised demotion protection in Ep 2 change this demotion incentivization that has been hidden from us.



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