"Iron Mastermind" and the amount of emotional torment we went through.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 4, 2023 9:10 PM

Okay so like I'm a low rank. I don't play this game to "get good at it". Me and my friends play this game to just have a good time. So note that being a bronze, we're sitting in pretty low Elo lobbies.

So one day, me and my friends decided to 5 stack at like 3 am. We select "Illinois" servers because that's the best server for us (a team that is scattered all over the US).

We queue into a match and finally we get a look at the enemy team.....

The ENTIRE team is just named "Iron Mastermind". And ENTIRE team filled with smurfs that just want to go to low elo lobbies and give people a hard time. The entire time they were ragging on how bad we were.

Now hear me out, its nothing I've never heard before. Its Valorant. Unfortunately games are kind of just like this.

But when they surrendered on round 5 we thought we were done... we thought we'd NEVER see them again...but no.... we queued up with them again...this happened THREE TIMES.

Finally we changed servers,,, and were blessed with the MOST WHOLESOME TEAMMATES...

My question is why do these people exist and why this even happens in the first place...I love and hate this game at the same time T-T. My low elo friends, please take care to avoid them....they're horrible.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/11gxsk3/iron_mastermind_and_the_amount_of_emotional/
  • https://reddit.com/11gxsk3

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