Iron to plat finally and some tips to help you get out of Elo hell

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 21, 2020 3:38 PM

Iron to plat finally and some tips to help you get out of Elo hell

I finally hit Plat today after close to 6 months and these are few observations I’ve made and some tips that’ll hopefully help you rank up as well!

So the main thing I’ve noticed in lower Elos (iron-silver) is how inconsistent teammates are and the constant bad decision making. Personally comms weren’t a big problem but eco management was just horrible with most people using spectres and ares for half the game.

Given how inconsistent teammates are, to truly get out of these ranks you’ll need to carry your team. So playing cypher or killjoy could work with a bit of luck but it’ll take you a while on the other playing duellists and just fragging out will get you to silver, maybe even gold, quicker than anything else.

Also the entire game doesn’t revolve around aim and most people need to understand that. Honestly there are silvers with better aim than me but I can make up for it by organising myself to get an advantage while taking a fight.

And the last problem I saw was the lack of confidence most people had when they played against someone ranked higher than them.

So if I had to give 3 general tips that would help most people would be to be calm, learn strats and communicate. Even if an enemy were diamond in act 2 but somehow hit silver in act 3, it doesn’t mean they’re 100x better than you and you can definitely beat them. Watching pros play and implementing how they approach sites, defend and rotate will just give you an unfair advantage over more naive enemy And finally communicate, even if your team doesn’t. Although they can’t help you with comms you can help them so even if you die the team wins the round. Sorry if this was a big lengthy or worded poorly but I hope it helped :)

P.s if you need your teammate to do something, ask them to, don’t get mad at them if they do something you didn’t want them to do. They can’t read your mind :)



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