Iron ranked issues in season 3

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 7:00 AM

I’m hard stuck iron 2/3 because of afks in 9/10 games or smurfs in every other game. There are just way too many people who I should not be playing against in the Iron elo. During season one, I was able to climb to silver 1 but ever since that time I’ve just been stuck in iron. People are jump right clicking corners or have the aim of upper ranks consistently getting headshots. I’ve had some good games but a majority are 4v5 or 3v5 because smurfs either style on your team or they purposely throw to get the iron 1 rank. Smurfs ruin competitive in lower elo. It is so discouraging to go 13-10 in one game and then the 4-13 with a huge difference in skill level and wonder if you are in the right rank. The act rank badge is very confusing too. I get 2-3 games that my rank greatly increases and no promotion. There needs to be more clarity about progression.



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