is around 5k hours in FPS games or CSGO really what it takes to be good at this game?

Posted by Steve

Sunday, November 29, 2020 12:31 AM

I'm not talking about to be a plat 1 player or a gold player. To reach immortal and be able to top frag, or to be able to reach radiant and have enough skill to be comfortable enough to know that is exactly where you belong. I've talked to numerous people and the majority of them have spent thousands and thousands of hours into csgo and aim training and strategical training in terms of tactical shooter games like that, or they have thousands of hours from intense aiming games like overwatch or apex legends.


Are thousands of hours really what it takes to reach a rank like radiant? To reach something like a 250+ combat score, a consistent 20 kills/game average, 20-25% HS rating, etc...?



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