Is it bad to try and dictate strategy in low elo?

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 8, 2021 10:07 AM

Hello all, I'm new to valorant but used to play tons of CS (around LEM), and I am only silver in Valorant. I top frag every game I play and main viper, but I run into one big issue. I really don't like to blame my teammates but it feels like nobody knows smokes/setups at this rank. I'll even call to play default and 9/10 times I need to teach my team what that even means. It seems people are also really scared to push site so I often find myself 1v2/1v3 to take site and it gets pretty exhausting. Any tips on what I should be doing to better my team of randoms and rank up? My friend who I used to duo queue with in CS, who is currently immortal 1, says just play a duelist and solo carry games, but I'm not sure if that's the best advice. Any advice is welcomed!



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