Posted by Steve
Saturday, November 12, 2022 7:29 AM
I realise what a silly question I've asked, but I genuinely do want to know.
Could there be some sort of limit/cap to a person's hand-eye-coordination abilities?
My reason for asking is that I simply have terrible aim in any FPS game I play.
I have been playing FPS games all my live and have over 200 hours in Valorant, but I still do not feel any more capable now than when I just started out a few months ago.
I have taken to practicing on AimLab and on the Valorant Training Ranch itself. I do pretty bad in these and even worse in actual matches and end up costing my team. I watch professional streamers in hopes of garnering valuable tips, but watching them seamlessly glide across the map and getting 5 headshots with 5 bullets just demotivates me.
Please, gamers of reddit, tell me how you improved your aim?
Thank you for your time.
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