Is comp worth it right now in its current state?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, January 25, 2023 12:31 AM

I’ve been reading a lot on Reddit about how people are playing in lobbies much higher than them (silvers going against ex ascendants etc.) and how there’s a new wave of cheaters. I’m currently Gold 1 but my skill level is probably around high silver/low gold. I’m usually the resident bottom frag in my games however recently it’s gotten really bad, to a point I’ve been going super negative like 3/15 and it just fucks with my self-esteem and mental. I feel like a burden to the team.. I can’t tell if my account mmr is messed up in comp as I wasn’t this bad last act and played against low plat lobbies just fine or I’m in Smurf queue. I played a game yesterday where I literally went 1/17 and had a phoenix on the other team drop 30 and was ex-Diamond. Meanwhile, I had a Brimmstone who said “gg” after just 1 round and started trolling and mollying and ulting his teammates. Or, I could just be be bad at the game lol. Is matchmaking still messed up? It’s to the point I don’t even know what rank I belong in anymore lolol… am I just bad or am I just going against an abundance of smurfs/cheaters? I really enjoy this game but I don’t wanna be gaslighted into thinking I’m bad at the game when really I’m just going against people that are higher than my skill level.



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