Is it entrying or making space?

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 30, 2022 2:41 PM

I was scrolling on reddit when someone posted about people picking duelist too much, when I noticed a comment on the post.

This got me thinking: Is a duelist's job actually entrying? Or just making space?

Because as much as I've noticed everyone could entry. The problem is the enemy team standing ready to stop the entry. So what would you need to do to entry correctly? Make space!

In my experience a duelist's kit makes them able to get close up and personable if they really want to. Or it's able to make sure they can stay out of the heat a little longer after a kill. It's to frighten the enemy team from staying on the point you're entrying.

Maybe this is known already but I just realized this and I wanted to know if this is true or not.



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