Is getting 144hz gonna give me any advantage, or make me play better, and is there such a huge difference as people like to say?

Posted by Steve

Monday, February 1, 2021 6:16 PM

I might be writing that in a wrong subreddit, but i want to ask this mostly about valorant and other first person shooters. I’ve been using 60hz for about 4 years now, and starting to think maybe i should get 144hz. Don’t think im really bad and i think getting a better monitor is gonna make me a pro, I’m just really unsure about is there such a big difference? I’ve heard people say that having a higher refresh rate makes it easier to aim, hit flickshots, and genuinely play better, and also that after playing on 144hz they see 60hz like a slide show. So what do you think?

Edit: thanks to everyone who answered, that really helped



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