Is it me or are there heaps of aim gods even in low ranks?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 7, 2020 12:45 AM

I’ll readily admit: I‘m bad at aiming. Always have been, maybe always will be. I have a cumulative play time of maybe 600 hours of PC ego shooters, but my aim is still very bad.

Now here’s the thing: I‘m a bronze player, I have been at all ranks from Iron 1 to silver 3, but most of my time is spent in bronze. I am decent at using abilities and stuff, but I always get killed so extraordinarily quickly. Just 2 days ago I was killed by headshots only, 8 times in a row: peak a corner - dead.

Is this normal? I would have guessed that decent aim only begins in gold+ ranks. I am now only using the LMG‘s, trying to go for long distance kills. Or shotguns, because they mitigate my bad aim.



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